Dr. Chun-Yen Chang -- Bio

Dr. Chun-Yen Chang was the former President of National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He received his BSEE degree from the National Chenk Kung University (NCKU), and MS and Ph.D. degrees from the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). Due to his pioneering Ph.D. thesis in 1969, Prof. Chang became the first ever graduate student to receive the first domestic Ph.D. degree in Engineering in Taiwan. He served as a research fellow at Bell Labs, a professor at NCKU, the dean of research, dean of engineering and dean of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at NCTU and President of National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He also was the founding Director of National Nano-Device Labs in Taiwan. In addition to his presidency at NCTU, Dr. Chang held several other positions and affiliations including Foreign Associate of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, member of Academia Sinica of the Republic of China, National Chair Professor, National Policy Advisor to the Office of the President of the Republic of China, and Science and Technology Advisor to the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China. Dr. Chang has received 26 patents collectively in the US and in Taiwan, and has published over 300 technical papers. He is the author of the book Made by Taiwan, promoting the idea of innovation and creativity for the future of Taiwan as a world leader in technology. He has made pioneering contributions to various semiconductor devices, and is a key inventor in electronic technology. Among his major inventions, most worthy of mention are "The method of low pressure MOCVD using triethyl Gallium," Zn incorporation, boron penetration and nitridation in silicon dioxide, and modulation-doped base transistor.

He has built a world-class electronic teaching and research institute at NCTU, supervising over 50 Ph.D.and 300 MS students who later become the leaders and backbone of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. He is considered as a patriarch of Taiwan's semiconductor industry. Through his visionary leadership and hard work, Dr. Chang has propelled the NCTU to become the leading university in the education and research in electronics in the world. The faculty and students in the NCTU have consistently published the most research papers in IEEE since 1996.He was the recipient of Engineering medal of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers, of an academic achievement award in engineering from the Ministry of Education and the distinguished research award of the National Science Council, Republic of China, as well as the recipient of the 1989-1990 international traveling award granted by the China Foundation to the distinguished scholars in the Republic of China, and recipient of advancement for outstanding chair professorship, since 1995.

